My desire to make Mega Menus has taken me on an overly long quest taking me out of Gutenburg and into Elementor as my WordPress editor. That lead me down a frustrating path I’ve been on now for going on a couple of weeks.


Why Mega Menus?

I’m trying to make a rather complicated and deep menu system which is very intuitive and fast to drill down into. Mega menus are a full powered way to build out any sort of navigation system you can dream of.

Elementor and Mega Menu hassles

My desire to make Mega Menus has taken me on an overly long quest taking me out of Gutenburg and into Elementor. That lead me down a path I’ve been on now for going on a couple of weeks.

Why Mega Menus?


There is something not very intuitive about Elementor and the Mega Menu plugin I’m using seems to also be a big fidgety.

The biggest problem is that I’m having a hard time tracking down the settings I’m looking for and sometimes they are simply not exposed anywhere. Often the UI I’m looking for flashes a moment and then changes. Very frustrating.

How do I track down the problem and solution?

I am paying for premium or Pro they call it on both plugins.

I’ll try to use OSB to capture the problem, then track down the solution through them.

It annoys me that I have to do this, but it’s also just simply amazing that we have these tools now. That’s just something I feel like I’ll never get over and I’m hoping that I never do. We are living in the most transformative time in history. We have the tools.

It’s up to us to help the devs and let them know that we are here to support them. These are amazing tools and the new concepts of open source truly give us a power humanity has likely never experienced.

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